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Ready For Change 
Be inspired.......

Bev Darke DABCH MCAHyp Cert C C Relate

Practising in  Sprowston Norwich and with over 30 years of experience, I am a Counsellor, Relationship Counsellor and Advanced Hypnotherapist.

I offer a variety of therapeutic approaches and specialise in helping

individuals, couples and young people with anxiety, depression and relationship issues.

Originally, I worked as a relationship counsellor with Relate,  and at the Mancroft Advice Project in Norwich.

I was fortunate to qualify as an Advanced Hypnotherapist at the Atkinson-Ball College of Hypnotherapy & Hypnohealing in 1999 and completed additional NLP training in 2007.

Bev Darke counsellor and hypnotherapist

  Counselling & Advanced Hypnotherapy
Get motivated to change your life, set goals, find solutions and move forwards


In your first session we will explore your needs and work together to find creative and realistic ways to achieve them



Counselling provides a time and a place where you can articulate your thoughts and feelings, share the burden, be heard and take a really good look at what's troubling you.  With support you find ways to accept things you can't change, step into the 'positive spot' and realise you do have choices.

Relationship Counselling for couples and individuals

Couple Counselling

Relationship Counselling can help you unravel what's going on. Confront the issues, improve communication and deal with those difficult feelings - in a safe space.  Couple Counselling can really help you to regain perspective, focus on 'what needs to change'  and reconnect once again. 


Young peoples counselling

Counselling for Young People

Sometimes life can feel confusing and overwhelming and it all gets on top of you.  Discover how to manage these tricky feelings and identify your skills and strengths. With new perspective you can build your confidence, get motivated and feel back in control.

Advanced Hypnotherapy

Advanced Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is both natural safe and relaxing,  A speedy and effective technique to gain access to the root of the problem.  We are in control, fully aware and can recall everything afterwards.  Hypnosis calms body and mind, reducing stress hormones and creating positive feelings.

Advanced Hypnotherapy can successfully treat a wide range of problems.  Frequently bringing relief from pain, insomnia and phobias.  It's particularly useful in helping with stress, anxiety and depression.

Audio and Self-Hypnosis

For regular practice at home to help achieve deeper relaxation and reinforce the work we do in our sessions.


I came to you 10 years ago and you counselled me through a very dark period in my life.... That time has now shaped me to be to be the person I am today and how my life has transformed!  With your help and guidance, I am now a well balanced and happy individual.


Been coming for counselling on and off for the last 12 years, when really feeling low and in a rut.

I did try medication, but find that Hypnotherapy and Counselling works well for me. 

Would recommend it to anyone.


Highly recommended.  Bev is thoughtful, caring, sensitive and facilitates healing.


We work well together and she's compassionate, but she'll soon kick me up the bum when I need it!



Please call Bev for a
chat and to book an appointment
Easy access and parking
Sprowston  NR7 8LW


Early evening and daytime appointments available from Mondays to Thursdays

For queries or to book in Call   01603  412112

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